Radio Station Information

WPAK 106.9 FM

City of License:
Tigerton, WI


Multi-cultural Diversity Radio, Inc.

WPAK is an FM radio station broadcasting at 106.9 MHz. The station is licensed to Tigerton, WI. The station broadcasts Variety programming.

Station Coverage Map

WPAK-FM Coverage Map

Nearby Radio Stations

WOTE 1380 AM, WJMQ 92.3 FM, K-Love 97.3, 93 Rock, WTCH 960 AM, WAUP 99.1 FM, WPCA 800 AM, WDUX 92.7 FM, WRGW 94.5 FM, WILW 96.3 FM

Listener Comments and Reviews

Thanks for the grand-and-Good Mix on your radio station. I've been listening in the car on weekends and just discovered yesterday you are now live/ weekdays, too (not sure when that happened) and I am glad you are past the 'tell us what you want' phase - and are "mixing it up"! Also appreciate the 'hometown' local historical vignettes, as well. I live north of Iola near my hometown of Big Falls, WI (which I left with my mom for Milwaukee when I was in third grade; and returned 'home' after age 30-something - and 'that' was 35 years ago). I was raised with the various radio stations of Milwaukee and WLS Chicago oldies - and I am finding you have the 'spot on!' mix I was missing in the Waupaca county area. Thanks for being my new favorite (besides The Avenue FM radio out of Appleton). jenny
By: Jenn Berna on June 13, 2017

For me, while I was hoping for more 80's-90's type format, I don't mind a little 50's-60's, just think right now they play a bit more than I like.Also, I am OK with Chuck & Patty, and know they are on 2 other stations, but, I would like a more definitive and more live morning show with time and temperature, etc. Seems a bit "voice-tracked" to me. I know too, they are still "building the station", but am waiting for local news and hopefully local sports in the fall.
By: Rob Lehman Jr on June 30, 2017

Just wondering where you got your information on the naming of Caroline WI. I'm interested on learning more about it! Thank-you.
By: Nancy Cargin on September 19, 2017

Just discovered your station. I like the way it's like playing music roulette. Never know what great song will be next.
By: Steve welsh on September 23, 2017

I love your station. I wonder if your signal gets stronger after 9:00 a.m. or so. I am unable to hear a "morning show" as the signal is too weak. Love the history of Waupaca county. I was unable to listen most of the summer, so wonder if you have done any research on Big Falls School and also Dupont High School. I have seen reference to the Dupont High School on several occasions in the Marion Advertizer and would like to know where it was, and during what time-frame. (thanx to Dan Brandenberg for bringing attention to WPAK) My grandfather "homesteaded" in the Town of Wyoming, so I find the history very interesting. Also, do you have any history on Granite City? Keep up the good work and interesting commentary. Best Regards, KHW
By: KARLEEN H WOLFF on October 23, 2017

Generally like the station, especially that you play novelty and rock (and sometimes country) oldies that many other stations (even so-called oldies ones) tend to usually ignore and keep out of rotation unless a special reason comes up for playing them (unfortunately, these days that's usually the death of the original artist or because some have to do a "lost oldie"). That being said, for two Friday in a row you did an oldies show and had the exact same format, down to same song rotation and the same things being said by the DJ (so this was obviously pre-recorded earlier [because it wouldn't make much sense to pre-record it later] and re-ran twice). I do understand that as a fairly new radio stations you might not have all the much content yet (when a lot of music video channels and segments started out in the 1980s [and played videos] they also had similar items with a limited amount of video to put into rotation) but if you must repeat yourself at least try to hide it better.
By: Chris on November 4, 2017

Just found you. Couldn't believe the songs I was hearing. From hard rock to the 1940s. Love it. Also love the local history even though I'm not from there. I'm listening to a strong radio signal in Mattoon, WI. Thanks and keep it up! =0)
By: Sammi on December 1, 2017

Thanks for all the great comments! We're so glad you all like and appreciate this new station for Waupaca and beyond. Please feel free to call our listener line and leave comments on how we can be an even better station for you at 715-600-WPAK(9725).
By: Bob Hanson on December 8, 2017

I just listened to several disco era songs. That music is exactly the reason why I began to listen to your station! Because you never play disco! Please do not interrupt my music pleasure by mixing in disco. It totally ruined the reputation of late 70s and continues to pollute the airwaves if you play it. I would rather listen to Farron Young than to hear anything that even sounds close to disco. Otherwise you are doing great.
By: Scott Schroeder on December 30, 2017

This is not an official website or chat for WPAK. No one from the station will ever see this. For comments that will be listened to, and responded to be sure to call the listener line. This website is unsanctioned and again no one will see this from the station. Just wanted you to know. Contact the station directly. Thanks
By: WPAK Radio on January 28, 2018

Yours is the only station I have on my radio most of the time. I love variety in music and you certainly have that. My only complaint is that recently I've been hearing songs by artists like Cher and other disco era songs. I stopped listening to all the other area stations because of this type of music. Cher's canned music really sucks and disco is dead. Let it stay dead. I am almost 60 and I have heard the best and the worst in "Rock and Roll". I've also heard the best old country. There is so much good/great music out there to hear. Please keep up the good work but lose the crap. Thank You!
By: Scott Schroeder on January 29, 2018

The "station" is run out of a guy's basement in a shack in the woods way over by Mt Morris (N 4801 County Road E Pine River WI) with his antenna mounted on a tree. The relay station is in Ogdensburg and has nothing to do with Waupaca other than the signal. He's like the man behind the curtain pretending to be the Great and Powerful Oz. There is no "studio". Nothing is "live". You'll never get an answer when you call. Everything is pre-programmed. There are no live DJ's and no staff. It's a big sham. The music may be good but, his stratagem is to make people in Waupaca County think they have a new radio station that's part of the community but he may as well be in California. The owner doesn't like people talking about the station(as you can see from his comment) possibly because the music royalty company might find him and make him pay the royalties he owes? He goes by the name Charlie Brown but his real name is Charles Stroud, he's in his 60's, look him up.
By: Deep Throat on March 19, 2018

Deep Throat, how do you come by what you post?
By: Rob Lehman Jr on March 24, 2018

Sorry Deep Throat - All the former information is completely untrue.. (from someone who doesn't understand the radio biz)... although it sounds kinda romantic, and exciting like a storybook story. Next LIVE event at Mt. Morris, when we do Heal The Hill in May. Maybe that's where you get the Mt. Morris idea. Our Waupaca staff will gladly meet you sometime when you come outta the weeds, and act like a gentleman.
By: Anonymous on March 24, 2018

Thank you, WPAK radio. We met with you and your team during a recent event. Patty is charming, and we had such fun. Thank you for coming to Waupaca County. We've needed this ray of sunshine. Many blessings!
By: Marion Mary on March 24, 2018

We are not from Waushara, but we came down to visit with your station on top of mount Morris. It was a great day, and everyone there so nice. We saw where it was printed that the county board of Waushara is responsible for that logging up there, even when the people have told them they don't want it. It's a total mess up there. Then some lady from the county board was pitching a fit in the parking lot during your friendly event. How do we get these people out of office? So we just wanted to thank you for the warmth and kindness you radiate with your radio station. Your staff is wonderful. Please let us know the next event you'all be at, and we will be there, too.
By: Waupaca Radio Fan on May 22, 2018

We just spent the day at your Redgranite rock festival over at the Sentry store. Don't remember any radio station doing something like this. Great day, good food, and we had a lot of fun. Love the music on 106.9 Keep up the good job.
By: Redgranite Rocks Fanatic on June 11, 2018

Who puts on these events? Because I just heard about your rock concert on the radio and went there. Maybe we could do more of those things. Because that was one of the best days me and my friends ever had. How can we get more?
By: Curious guy on June 11, 2018

A friend was passing through your broadcast area and in search mode, found your station. Commented: unique, entertaining, and at times comical. Didn't seem to be any bars on the music you played. Have heard a remake of our song, Sounds of Silence, by Disturbed. Would love to hear you play them back to back
By: Paul S. on July 23, 2018

Liked your station until about a week ago when you played "God Made a Farmer" every 15 minutes! Rather than pull my fingernails out I switched back to my old station. Where is the "variety" in your claim to be a station with lots of variety?
By: Keith on July 29, 2018

Thank you so much for the "God Made A Farmer" that you ran once an hour for the few days leading up to the Symco event. We went to the Thresheree all three days, and your station was so loyal to the event. You do so much for our community events in our county. You always go 100 percent and then a bit more. Again, thank you!
By: Farmers Are Our Friends on August 1, 2018

Where can i get a copy of that god made a farmer. i felt like crying everytime i heard it. You guys are the best for caring about the whole county.
By: Dave on August 1, 2018

WPAK, you are our Waupaca heritage station.
By: Ben on August 3, 2018

Met you guys out at Smyco with all the cars. Thanks. Great job.
By: Dan The Driver on August 12, 2018

Hey everyone. This is not a WPAK website. We don't check this but about every 6 months or longer - if we remember. If you want to get response to your questions, needs, concerns, be sure to call the phone line you get on the air each hour. The listener line. Then we can actually help you. This site gives no way to reply, and that's so important to us at the station. No idea why anyone would put a site up for our station. It's weird, especially since there's no way to reply to you, and do what you ask or need. Be sure to listen, and reply to the phone # given on the air each hour. Thank you one and all. You're precious to us.
By: WPAK on August 12, 2018

Wonderful music . Great variety
By: Terry Achten on December 7, 2018

Will you be considering adding a Jazz hour in the future. Maybe once a week?
By: Lanny Howard on February 8, 2019

We spoke a while ago about starting a new rotary group at WHS. The Interact is holding a T-shirt drive to recycle shirts into grocery bags for the community gardens that are new in Waupaca. Is there anyway we could ask for your help in getting the word out and a little attention? The 4, 5, and 6th grade Waupaca Secret Service kids at all three schools are also involved in raising awareness with this T-shirt drive!
By: Camin on April 16, 2019

My granddaughter heard her sistrr'so name called Sunday for the t shirt. Please respond to Addy above for her address. Her name is Kamarah Thompson. Thanks
By: Susan on May 8, 2019

LOVE LOVE LOVE! This station sounds SO good! It makes all my cells happy. I'm glad I don't have to lay on the floor with my head between the speakers to get this kind of sound anymore...that's what I did before headphones, lol! Love the diversity of music, too...
By: Claire L. Nordness on May 13, 2019

I've been listening to this station almost exclusively for the past year and a half or so, and I REALLY like it.... A LOT!! The "cover" songs of popular R&R tunes are great and I've been searching for many of the same to add to my digital library on my laptop. I also like the "alternative" versions done by the original artists and have added many to my library as well. Keep up the good work and I'll be sure to "stay tuned". Good luck to all of your staff! OH...Let me add that although I DO know most of the tunes and artists being played, I would't mind a "reminder" of who/what's being played on occasion. (I'm getting old(er) and sometimes forget. Lastly,,,,at least during "live broadcasts" a mention of the "time" would be helpful.
By: DE on June 24, 2019

Love the variety of music you play.
By: Mike on June 25, 2019

A friend introduced me to your radio station early this year. Every time I am in my car I enjoy listening - it is an reprieve from everything going on in my life and the world. Yesterday I heard for the first time politically related comments. I am an active citizen in my preferred political party. I am constantly exposed to happenings and politics. So please - I'd like your station to continue to be a little space away from politics. Thank you !
By: Gin on August 29, 2019

I was wondering if you can give a plug for New Dublin 2020? All our information is at Thank you. Slainte! Ryan Lanning Shamrock Club of New London Advertising Committee
By: Ryan Lanning on February 25, 2020

I found Chuck's comments on the coronavirus this morning very disturbing. He is not qualified to make these statements, and should keep his opinions to himself. The safety of the American people should be our main concern. In closing, I will no longer listen to this station or support it's advertisers. Respectfully, Ken Jacobchick
By: Kenneth Jacobchick on March 24, 2020

I discovered your station last fall and enjoy your musical selection. Lately I've been hearing comments on the coronavirus. I don't believe we should be bashing the media or anyone else. We are all in this together and need to build each other up as much as possible. We also don't know how bad this will be, so we can't be painting too rosy of a picture right now. Giving people comfort is important, I agree, but giving them a false sense of security may have tragic consequences. I will still enjoy your station but please consider a change in your public service announcements. Yours sincerely, Alan Selmer
By: Alan Selmer on March 30, 2020

I am looking for the name and artist of a song. It's about being born on different days of the week listing each ....Example...Saturdays child born to be wild...Saturday is the one day where we dance and sing on a Saturday night...etc...Can you email the answer to this puzzle. I googled it and went to lyrics websites but can't find it. Thank you and I love your station and wolf man jack!
By: Mary on May 2, 2020

Chuck, thank you for being a light of truth and common sense with the this virus situation. The national media is so corrupt. We can't trust any of them. And when i hear such clarity from your station, it give me hope again. Thank you very much!
By: Denny on May 10, 2020

God bless you Chuck and Patty! Your take on this whole situation with the lockdown has been so refreshing and honest. We are all in this together like you always say, and it's very important that we don't take all the national news for anything but fear mongering. You two are the light of hope in our little area, and you always make us smile. Thank you.
By: Brianna on May 10, 2020

We can't thank you enough for not spreading the fear in your news and commentary. We get bombarded by this endlessly in the nation, and much of the local sources. You have been caring, confident, hand-holding, and funny at the same time. Will you please never give up this kind of special relationship you have with our towns around here. Thank you. And this comes from not only us, but several of our neighbors and friends, too. We are older, and it does help a lot to know that you are at the helm with our news coverage.
By: BM on May 17, 2020

I want to leave another comment. My wife and I know this is an emotional time. People keep spouting things off as though their way of thinking is the only way. We don't get that feeling from your radio station. The fun and joy that you intermix with your information is good in every way. Thank you again.
By: BM on May 17, 2020

Oh my is this a good radio channel. And I feel so secure listening to every bit of your coverage about virus things. You're so kind to reach out into both Waupaca the city, but also other towns around here with your caring, not fearing message. I would just like to reach inside my radio and give you all a big hug. Please keep up the great work. Oh! Your music is amazing. Every time that I think you have played my all time favorite song, you play another one. So good!
By: Mary on May 20, 2020

In the winter of 2017 and 18 there were 80 thousand deaths from the regular flu, and life went on its merry way. We have these precautions every flu season, with spacing, washing, and being careful. Is anyone besides me concerned that this kind of government intervention could happen every flu season from now on, or at least quite often? i'm an older person, and we have had all sorts of break outs of flu with never anything like this strange reporting that has been on the regular news. I had heard you mention things on your radio about caring for a community, and that you don't want to pass along wrong information. You don't hear that anyplace in the news sources these days. Please keep up this effort. I have been tuned into your good music and careful news and comments most of this shut down time. Thank you for helping us all feel less stressed.
By: M. Bobbe on May 20, 2020

Also, peace and love to all of you there. The man and woman who talk in the morning are so cute and happy.
By: M. Bobbe on May 20, 2020

Please stick with what you've been doing. It's all so perfect. Thank you for all your uplifting news and commentary during the meltdown-lockdown mess. In my little town, we listen, and even talk about ideas of how to make things better after all of this. Listening in on you, and your other callers, listeners, and comment people, we know we have a radio friend in the community. Thank you for the 80s requests on Saturday night, too.
By: Sandra Dave on May 22, 2020

Dump the 80s stuff, and play all the 70s you can find Thanks
By: Bob on May 22, 2020

Why do all the radio channels around here only play the same 12 songs? Thanks for your variety and friendliness. When I switch to your channel I know there is a real Waupaca radio station. You were wonderful helping us see our way through the coronavirus scare, too. When I listened to you in the morning there was real news and not the fake stuff. You are our family radio. Hugs.
By: Teresa H. on May 26, 2020

You guys stopped me from being cooped up in my house all this time. You were out doing things in towns and letting us know about restaurants open and business. OK you cover news like people who know what their saying and not the stupid crap we herd all over the place and national news junk. Music is good thank you.
By: Steve D. on May 27, 2020

Just coooool how you have the most amazing variety. This probably is not a request service, but if you see this. Will you please play even more 70s songs. We just love it.
By: Sherry Webber on May 29, 2020

How in the world did you get that interview with the guy who owns the store where Mr. Floyd was killed? The news I read and see is always jumbled up with weird opinions and spins. Bless you for having such a reliable source of conversation in our area. During the virus time, you made me and my husband feel like we were not the only ones in the world locked in our home, sometimes needlessly cooped up. Your positive coverage during that time was so comforting. Thank you. You feel like a friend to us. Your music and shows are fun.
By: Anonymous on June 7, 2020

Very good station can not believe any other station would think they could copy you guys, and ladies. Thank you for being here in Waupaca.
By: Believe on June 21, 2020

Just found that sweet couple on the air again in the morning. Me and my husband are so happy to know you are in our area. Your the best!
By: Kari G. on June 22, 2020

This is real good station. I like the sixties hits sometimes. You have friendly announcers. Thanks
By: Dave Brill on July 12, 2020

I love the music you guys play, but if I wanted to listen to conservative talk radio, I have plenty of other options for that. Please stick to playing music, local updates, and uplifting stories and leave the political pushes to the politicians and opinions on the coronavirus to those in the health care field. I hope to keep listening for all the great music and community building going on.... if the politics and healthcare advice stops.
By: Anonymous on August 4, 2020

I really like your station, great format, great songs, etc., etc. Then I heard your blip about Governor Evers mask mandate survey. I took the survey, all two questions. I wondered why would your radio station want to further politicize wearing of masks by having such a survey? Governor Evers IS the governor of Wisconsin and for him to even consider such a mandate is with the good of the citizens of Wisconsin in mind. Could the effort to reduce the Covid-19 pandemic in our state be any easier? Simply wear a mask. From what I have seen in rural Central Wisconsin, there is little threat of being fined if you don't wear a mask in public indoor areas, so that "scare tactic of sorts" is rather void. To bad your station isn't more proactive in regards to reducing the corona virus in our state by supporting the Governor's mandate wholeheartedly. Pretty sure the anti-maskers will outnumber the pro-maskers in the survey results as it seems the ill informed are rampant to be heard. Think I will listen to The Lakes for a while.
By: Jack Rabbit on August 10, 2020

Fantastic! You are so innovative and smart to ask about things rather than just take the word of regular media or social media. No one does this. We live in a free country, not a toe the line dictatorship. You all keep doing what you're doing, by bringing the people together and asking for our input. I couldn't be more proud of a radio station in our community. Thank you for such honest work, and your deep experience. We listen to you every morning, and through the day, too. We always will.
By: Jill S. on August 26, 2020

You have good morals at this station. I know I have heard you say many times that you have no political affiliation. That's wonderful. I can tell that from your messages on the air. Thank you for asking us about our opinions about masks. I was very curious about that. Turns out that a much larger percentage of people don't want to be told what to wear on their faces. Good for them, and good for you for asking. I see you as completely impartial, compared with talk radio. As far as I'm concerned, the music is a nice bonus, but you and the gal in the morning have really got something good going there. Please always keep up the good work. I am a business owner in the area, and I expect I will be advertising with you one day soon.
By: Bill H on August 26, 2020

What is the name of the couple on your morning show. They are so helpful during this time when all the other radio, tv, newspapers, and especially social media are giving false information and only wanting to scare us. Will you please pass along my thanks to your couple in the morning. You are the best radio channel.
By: Sherri on August 26, 2020

My husband and me listen pretty often in the morning. You truly know what you are talking about. We can hear the sincerity in the things you talk about. The music through the day is nice, too. You are the best local station for our community. We don't like all the fear stuff everywhere else. Yours is a real good change of pace. God bless you all over there at WPAK. Oh, and thank you for the survey. We filled it out.
By: Patty and Dan on August 26, 2020

Hey! All this about you being the original station that has cared in our area. We sure do know that is true! We're one of the businesses you called back in Feb and Mar to give us a free interview on the air, and you ran it over and over for longer than a month. It helped a lot during a very tough time. We know you're the caring local station. We tried to get some assistance and a message out on the shawano stations, and they ignored us. Your message about the fear media is solid, and even the local radio owners won't help, except for you. I heard you do dedications for sick people, and for one woman who lost her son years ago to cancer. The history stories you have had on the air were super good and interesting to hear. We hope you stay around for a long time to come. Your facts, your figures and music are something rare around here.
By: Business owner in Shawano on August 26, 2020

I can't believe i just found you. Great music. I never cared about the national media or payed much attention before this. But you make good sense on your morning show. Never hear you take sides, but you want to get the real message out there. I have heard things on your station i never heard anyplace else. Please keep the 1970 things going on the air, and keep 1980s some more too. I'll be listening. Good signal in Clintonville. I asked them to play you in our bar sometimes to.
By: Dave in Clintonville on August 26, 2020

You called it on your station. Thank you! This just came out yesterday. A lawsuit against the governor's illegal actions. I agree with my whole heart. Not about virus, but about freedom, no matter what the situation. Here's the quote “This lawsuit is not about whether masks are good or bad, or whether Wisconsin ought to do more, or less, to address COVID-19. It isn’t even about whether the state should have a mask mandate. This lawsuit is about our system of government and the rule of law. Governor Evers cannot seize these time-limited emergency powers more than once without legislative approval.” Your own impartial survey showed that about 70 percent of our citizens don't feel the gov choice about face masks was a good one. A state and country run by the citizens, not one person. The bad media has turned this into a bombshell when its a virus. Not even much of a virus in our counties around here. Stop the crap, and go to work people. Face masks or not, just live your life with no fear. We are all OK here. Look around, not dropping like flies. Never were, never will be. You all keep doing what you're doing at our radio station. We can tell that you care about the people around here. Keep it up.
By: We're in it together on August 26, 2020

Thank you. You guys are excellent in the morning. It is easy to figure out that you are honest in you're news and commentary. Thank you for the face mask information. I filled out your survey, too. Thank you for getting our voices heard with state representatives.
By: Bill W. on August 27, 2020

Thank you again for that survey about masks. I asked different people around work and they say the same thing. That something is not right about the information the national media is giving to us. I know you understand all about this. We did our own little survey around the plant, and it came up even more than yours people don't believe whats going on, and that masks are mostly a political diversion. Wear em if you feel safe, but most people don't even know how to wear them right. You good folks care. We thank you.
By: Dave D on August 28, 2020

Funny. How is it that you give such serious information one minute, and make me spit coffee out of my nose in the next?
By: Carol in Shawano on August 28, 2020

Ha ha ha! We're listening to your Saturday party show. You all are crazy. Thank you for some comic relief during this insane time.
By: Lester Hester The Court Jester on August 30, 2020

If this is a good place to reach out to your station or not, I'm not sure. Hope this gets to you. When I first heard your message months ago about the virus and the national news media I wasn't all that sure I understood what you meant. Your morning show has so much good information that looks at everything from many sides, and very common sense wise. So thank you because I very much do get it these days. You are very caring and concerned with our area, and you want to be sure that there is no fear news on our local station. The two in the morning are both serious and adorable at the same time. Thank you for all of it. My husband and I will keep listening through the months and years ahead. Very good music, too.
By: Stephanie W. on August 31, 2020

Thank you WPAK! This is a place where I can listen and trust what is being told to me. Love the music you play, too. How can you lose with such a great combo.
By: Big Bright Outlook on September 10, 2020

Thank you for the face mask survay. A governor tells us to wear face masks, and the cases in Wisconsin have increased since then by 8 percent? Is there any chance that face masks actually spread the virus, and government people, who get things totally wrong so often, just have this wrong, too? Thank you for watching out for us. Your survey shows that almost 70 percent of the people around here were against the face mask thing being foisted on us by an unknowledgeable person. Thank you for not spreading the fear. For that reason enough, we will always be listening to the two in the morning. You make our day. Keep up the good work.
By: Dave D. on September 10, 2020

With September 11 coming up. I offer that we remember and stop the fear stuff in the media. This radio station is at the top of my list for care and concern. You never do the fear and we in our little towns around here thank you for that.
By: I dont like to give my name on September 10, 2020

You all rock my world. Thank U!
By: Oh My on September 28, 2020

Funny radio in the morning. Serious, too, thanks for that. But really funny on Sat nite. Where do you come up with this?
By: Posted on September 28, 2020

Oh man I had coffee spraying out of my nose this morning with your funny girl guy team Please keep it going. Thank you for mentioning about nursing homes and how we need to look after our old folks. you r funny + caring at the same time feels like home because it is a little irreverent just like with my own family.
By: Forever a fan on October 3, 2020

We're revved up to hear more on Saturday nite. I know this isn't a request forum, but we're too shy to call in to the show. Please play more and more from Frampton, Seger, Golden Earring things like that. Thank you. Seems like you all work hard over there.
By: dennis the menace on October 3, 2020

Some friends just told us about your radio. Sounds great with, just the perfect music we like most. Your crew over there sounds professional. We love your brittish guy in the day time. Your man and woman in the morning are great. Your message about caring and the virus and stupid national news is just perfect. My wife says thank you too.
By: New Listener on October 6, 2020

Thank you for your coverage all through the virus time. Your team there at the station has been good friends to us out here where we never know quite what to believe from the national news. Most everybody on our staff listens, and we listen to your morning team at home, too. You are thorough and caring and fun to listen to.
By: Greg Beatty on October 9, 2020

You have it nailed on the false news we keep getting from the big news outlets. Please continue your message. Thank you.
By: B Barth on October 23, 2020

You guys are so much fun, thanks.
By: J. Payne on October 25, 2020

I really enjoy the music you play but now your getting too political.We here just too much of it ! I just want music not the political crap!
By: R. Hamilton on October 29, 2020

Oh my gawd - what the guy before me knows you could write on a matchbook binding. You all are wonderful in the morning. Your commentary during the morning show has been superb. Thank you so much for everything you do. Do people like this crap-head who wrote before me know that they can just switch off? Does imbecile know it's election time in America? Tell him to try the Rush Limbaugh station for a while. Thank you for all you do to keep us informed, and for never taking one side or the other. What a wonderful crew you have over there. Tell Mr. R. Craphead to meet me at the bar, and we can talk about the state of the world till the cows come home. You and Patty keep doing what you do, and thank you. You sound like the real Waupaca to me and my friends. By the way, the word is spelled, "Hear", not "Here". Try acquiring something greater than a 4th grade education before you write commentary. Oh, I am on a roll. lol.
By: Robt. R. on November 5, 2020

Come on boys, play nice. This is a very friendly radio station. The only politics I've heard here was a paid-for ad for a nice lady in district 14, and some minimal coverage of the election. And I do appreciate all of it, since this is my full-time station. Keep up the great work. You have some real fans in Bear Creek.
By: Cindy Reed on November 5, 2020

Does R.H. know there's an election going on? Dig hole, insert rock to crawl under.
By: Really on November 5, 2020

Wonder whos going to win this thing after dust settles. Thank for your coverage. Finally a place that doesn pik side
By: Randy B on November 5, 2020

ha ha ha Great music and good news information too
By: Dia Rhea on November 5, 2020

Great radio station!! Looking for traffic at about 6:20 am to 6:30 am 7/13/21 great songs played just wondering what the artist and song was. Former radio student MMI (20 years ago) Thanks for the great station!! Love it!
By: Joe on July 14, 2021

how about some one hit wonders like Bad finger band
By: myrln69 on July 23, 2021

Do you post your playlist anywhere? So many times I hear music on your show that I really like! The trouble is, I never hear you say who the artist is or the song titles. I really love your station, the variety is great. I hear music that I dont hear anywhere else. I really wish your signal was stronger. My car radio start losing the signal going into Stevens Point. Thanks for doing this music variety station. Love it!
By: Rebecca on September 1, 2021

Enjoyed the heck out of this station on a Wisconsin visit in July Great job!
By: JIM on September 6, 2021

Thought that you would be interested in knowing in knowing that your signal reaches Birnamwood and Antigo. We have been chopping corn for the last couple weeks now and I have found your station. I very much enjoyed it but thought I would relate to you and experience that brought back memories. The other day you played little Willy by sweet,,, I immediately flashed back 30 years to when I was a soldier in the United States Army on the Berlin Wall.As tense as it was, a smile would always come to my face when I heard that song because my fellow soldiers would often call me “ Little Willie From Wisconsin “ I had the privilege of serving with so many truely great Americans,. Thank you for the memories. Dave.
By: Dave on September 23, 2021

Is you station streamed on the internet? I live in Iola and I cannot receive a stereo signal over the air as we are located near a hill which interferes with the signal.
By: Wally on January 13, 2022

Great radio station . I live in West Appleton and just barely get the station. Wish you had a few more watts so I could listen all over the valley. When I head west on Hwy 10 your tuned in. Keep up the great work. Thanks
By: Russell on February 22, 2023

This is the best radio I have heard in my 70 yrs except Beacon Street , Boston and XELO Juarez Mexico
By: Scott on May 12, 2024

Is Patty really dead? How long ago? Why do you still call it the chuck & patti station? This is very disrespectful!
By: Heather on May 17, 2024

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