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Houghton, New York Radio Stations

We found 61 FM radio stations and 41 AM radio stations in the Houghton, NY area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.3 FMWCOUReligiousAttica, NY
88.3 FMWSBUSt. Bonaventure, NY
88.7 FMWBFOPublic RadioBuffalo, NY
88.7 FMWSQAPublic RadioHornell, NY
88.9 FMWCIYReligiousCanandaigua, NY
89.1 FMWCOVReligiousFriendship, NY
89.3 FMWGSUGeneseo, NY
89.3 FMWCGPReligiousSilver Creek, NY
89.5 FMWCOFReligiousArcade, NY
89.7 FMWALFAlfred, NY
89.7 FMWNJAClassicalJamestown, NY
89.7 FMWITRHenrietta, NY
89.9 FMWBKVReligiousBuffalo, NY
90.3 FMWXXYGospelHoughton, NY
90.5 FMWTWTReligiousPortville, NY
90.7 FMWLGULancaster, NY
90.7 FMWGCCBatavia, NY
90.9 FMWCOTReligiousTidioute, PA
90.9 FMWLNFRapids, NY
91.3 FMWBNYCollegeBuffalo, NY
91.3 FMWOLNOlean, NY
92.1 FMWZDVReligiousAmherst, NY
92.1 FMWCKRCountryHornell, NY
92.7 FMWRAQ-LPCommunity radioAngelica, NY
92.9 FMWBUFRockBuffalo, NY
93.5 FMWQRWHot ACWellsville, NY
93.7 FMWBLKHip HopDepew, NY
93.9 FMWDNYAdult ContemporaryDansville, NY
94.5 FMWNEDClassicalBuffalo, NY
94.7 FMWMTTClassic RockTioga, PA
94.9 FMWHKSAdult ContemporaryPort Allegany, PA
95.7 FMWPIGCountryOlean, NY
96.1 FMWTSSAdult ContemporaryBuffalo, NY
96.7 FMWCORCountryPortville, NY
96.9 FMWGRFClassic RockBuffalo, NY
97.1 FMWZHDCanaseraga, NY
98.3 FMWQRSClassic RockSalamanca, NY
98.3 FMWVINAdult ContemporaryBath, NY
99.5 FMWDCXReligiousBuffalo, NY
100.1 FMWBRRClassic RockBradford, PA
100.3 FMWNAR-LPReligiousArcade, NY
101.5 FMWMXOAdult ContemporaryOlean, NY
101.7 FMWLOFReligiousElma, NY
101.9 FMWCOQCountryAlfred, NY
102.1 FMWJCAReligiousAlbion, NY
102.3 FMWVORAdult ContemporaryCanandaigua, NY
102.5 FMWTSSHot ACBuffalo, NY
103.1 FMWCIKReligiousAvoca, NY
103.3 FMWEDGRockBuffalo, NY
103.5 FMWJQZOldiesWellsville, NY
103.9 FMWCOPRockEldred, PA
104.1 FMWHTTClassic HitsBuffalo, NY
104.9 FMWKDLChristian ContemporaryBrockport, NY
105.3 FMWKPQHot ACHornell, NY
105.9 FMWCGSClassic HitsLittle Valley, NY
106.3 FMWXMTClassic HitsSmethport, PA
106.5 FMWYRKCountryBuffalo, NY
107.3 FMWNBLCountrySouth Bristol Townsh, NY
107.7 FMWLKKCountryWethersfield Twnshp, NY

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
550 AMWGRSportsBuffalo, NY
600 AMWFRMAdult StandardsCoudersport, PA
790 AMWLSVCountryWellsville, NY
850 AMWYLFAdult StandardsPenn Yan, NY
930 AMWBENNews/TalkBuffalo, NY
950 AMWROCSportsRochester, NY
970 AMWDCZBuffalo, NY
990 AMWDCXReligiousRochester, NY
1040 AMWYSLTalkAvon, NY
1080 AMWUFOGospelAmherst, NY
1120 AMWBBFSpanish VarietyBuffalo, NY
1140 AMWCJWCountryWarsaw, NY
1180 AMWHAMNews/TalkRochester, NY
1230 AMWECKTalkCheektowaga, NY
1240 AMWJTNNews/TalkJamestown, NY
1250 AMWLEMCountryEmporium, PA
1270 AMWHLDSportsNiagara Falls, NY
1280 AMWHTKSports/TalkRochester, NY
1300 AMWXRLClassic CountryLancaster, NY
1310 AMWOKRCanandaigua, NY
1340 AMWKSNOldiesJamestown, NY
1340 AMWLVLTalkLockport, NY
1360 AMWOENTalkOlean, NY
1370 AMWXXIPublic RadioRochester, NY
1380 AMWABHOldiesBath, NY
1400 AMWWWSClassic R&BBuffalo, NY
1400 AMWDNYClassic HitsDansville, NY
1410 AMWDOEAdult ContemporaryDunkirk, NY
1440 AMWEBROldiesNiagara Falls, NY
1450 AMWENINews/TalkCorning, NY
1450 AMWOLYOldiesOlean, NY
1460 AMWHICReligiousRochester, NY
1480 AMWLEAOldiesHornell, NY
1490 AMWBTASoft Adult ContemporaryBatavia, NY
1490 AMWNDAOldiesWellsboro, PA
1490 AMWESBAdult ContemporaryBradford, PA
1520 AMWWKBSportsBuffalo, NY
1550 AMWCGROldiesCanandaigua, NY
1570 AMWFLRNews/TalkDundee, NY
1590 AMWGGOSportsSalamanca, NY
1590 AMWRSBBrockport, NY