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KWVZ 91.5
I happened to be in my car at 3:30 am and listened to about 30 minutes from a LBGT man who was very delightful and opinionated about his discussion about the holidays holiday menu, community and discussion about air travel during the holiday .very insightful and also humorous. Who was he? He gave his name and website but not having a pen and pencil I wasn't able to trace a connection. Can you enlighten me who this person is? I would appreciate it.
By: Margaret on December 29, 2024

La Ley 92.1 (KROI)
What happen to Praise 92.1?
By: Ayya on December 21, 2024

94.1 Duke FM (WWDK)
Thank you for continuing to Resurrect REAL Country Music and for not selling out to corporate Nashville ! Most of what they have rebranded as "Country" these last couple of decades is Pop and mostly complete garbage and the sad thing is that the younger generations don't have a clue because they have not been exposed to anything else. When I listen to Country Music I want to hear a Steel Guitar.......I want to hear a piano.....or, how about a acoustic guitar....or how bout an harmonica?! Again, THANK YOU !
By: D Werba on December 18, 2024

610 WTVN
I too have to chime in about Josh Seas. Really dislike how this was handled--one day Josh is on air; the next day it's as if he never existed. Really can't stand this fill-in, Chuck. He's beyond corny and now I can see who was making this show worth listening: Josh! Blazer is a snore, but I put up with him due to Seas. This station can't even pretend to be professional when you won't even offer a "Josh is no longer with the station, but we wish him well" send off. To just pretend that it didn't happen is phony and weird.
By: Elaine on December 17, 2024

WWAB 1330
Ive been listening to AM Radio since I was 8 years of age. I tune in to listen to WWAB 1330 AM sometimes. I like oldies. When I compare the Winter Haven Station with 1330 in Lakeland. The Lakeland station is Over Modulated. The station in Winter Haven is Clear as a bell. Please Lower the Modulation level at 1330 just a little bit. Or correct the nonlinearity of what ever component is causing the distortion. AM Radio still can be Hi Fidelity.
By: James B. on December 17, 2024

WSHT 100.1
I enjoy the fact that your station isn't so darn loud, it seems that other stations have their sound cranked to 11 or something.
By: Robert on December 5, 2024

KOKE 1600
How can I listen to you guys online?
By: Daniel on December 4, 2024

610 WTVN
Where has Josh Seas been for the last 3 weeks? Did he get fired? Was he part of the iHeart radio down-sizing across the country? Blazer hasn’t mentioned about Josh being away, this guy “Chuck” definitely hasn’t mentioned that he has replaced Josh, so what the heck? WTVN, come clean!
By: Rod on December 2, 2024

Z94 (KZCD)
This station is loud and clear in Wichita Falls
By: Will on November 30, 2024

Family Radio 89.5 (KPRA)
KPRA Ukiah, Ca Christian radio!!! You have been off the air, at 89.5 here in Willits,Ca since the awful hard rains and winds from.last week, like 4 to 5 days now.. When will you be back on?? Please, please Put it back on my radio, in Willits adap
By: Katy on November 27, 2024

WPDX 104.9
We need better/stronger radio signal in Monongalia County from your station. The local stations here are like the Biden/Kamala administration weak and out of touch with the majority of listeners.
By: Matt on November 27, 2024

WJVA 106.5
Is this station even on the air? I've tried many times to listen to them... and have even been up the street from their reported tower site, but get nothing. Disappointing! Little stations like this can do some awesome local programming!
By: Anonymous on November 26, 2024

WFOS 88.7
This station plays some good music, but their audio is way overly processed.
By: Anonymous on November 26, 2024

WMIY 93.1
There are several gospel songs you play everyday. I would love to know the artist. Victory is one.
By: Lois on November 26, 2024

WMMH 91.9
I love to listen at night after 11 PM all during the night. I always had a very strong signal it peaked on my radio. Now about the last two weeks you are either off the air or your signal is not getting to Altoona, PA 91.9 FM
By: Frank on November 25, 2024

KOKT 103.9
Love the station. I can’t find the now playing list online anymore. How do I find it? Thanks
By: Russ on October 18, 2024

KPO FM 105.9 (WKPO)
I have stopped listening to your station because of all the Harris ads! STOP already!
By: Mike on October 17, 2024

103.7 The Fox (WFFX)
Why is the Walton and Johnson show no longer being broadcast on 103.7 ?
By: Larry on October 17, 2024

WPAK 106.9
How come you are a "Tigerton" station but I have not heard a single ad for any Tigerton business or public service in years?
By: Tigress on October 16, 2024

WHKS 94.9
What's going on with your radio feed? Sometimes it silences for about 3-5 much as 5-8 times during one song.Just wanted you to be aware, been going on for over a month.
By: Bonita on October 16, 2024

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