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Middlesex, New Jersey Radio Stations

We found 145 FM radio stations and 87 AM radio stations in the Middlesex, NJ area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.1 FMWARYVarietyValhalla, NY
88.1 FMWCWPVarietyBrookville, NY
88.1 FMWDIYPublic RadioAllentown, PA
88.1 FMWDNJSpanishHopatcong, NJ
88.1 FMWNJTPublic RadioTrenton, NJ
88.1 FMWYGGEthnicAsbury Park, NJ
88.3 FMWBGOJazzNewark, NJ
88.5 FMWNJPPublic RadioSussex, NJ
88.5 FMWXPNAdult AlternativePhiladelphia, PA
88.7 FMWPSCVarietyWayne, NJ
88.7 FMWRHUVarietyHempstead, NY
88.7 FMWRSUVarietyNew Brunswick, NJ
88.9 FMWBYOChristian ContemporarySellersville, PA
88.9 FMWBZCVarietyPemberton, NJ
88.9 FMWMCXVarietyWest Long Branch, NJ
88.9 FMWSIAVarietyStaten Island, NY
89.1 FMWFDUPublic RadioTeaneck, NJ
89.1 FMWNYUVarietyNew York, NY
89.1 FMWWFMClassicalTrenton, NJ
89.3 FMWFJSReligiousFreehold, NJ
89.3 FMWJCSReligiousAllentown, PA
89.3 FMWNJYPublic RadioNetcong, NJ
89.3 FMWRDVNostalgiaWarminster, PA
89.5 FMWYPAChristian ContemporaryCherry Hill, NJ
89.5 FMWSOURockSouth Orange, NJ
89.5 FMWWPJClassicalPen Argyl, PA
89.7 FMWDVRVarietyDelaware Township, NJ
89.7 FMWRDRReligiousFreehold Township, NJ
89.9 FMWKCRVarietyNew York, NY
90.1 FMWRTIClassicalPhiladelphia, PA
90.3 FMWQXWVarietyOssining, NY
90.3 FMWESSVarietyEast Stroudsburg, PA
90.3 FMWHCRVarietyNew York, NY
90.3 FMWHPCVarietyGarden City, NY
90.3 FMWKNJVarietyUnion Township, NJ
90.3 FMWKRBVarietyBrooklyn, NY
90.3 FMWMSCVarietyUpper Montclair, NJ
90.3 FMWNJOClassic RockToms River, NJ
90.3 FMWRPRVarietyMahwah, NJ
90.3 FMWVPHVarietyPiscataway, NJ
90.3 FMWNEQTaylortown, NJ
90.5 FMWBJBPublic RadioLincroft, NJ
90.5 FMWCVHCountryFlemington, NJ
90.5 FMWJSVVarietyMorristown, NJ
90.5 FMWPNJVarietyEaston, PA
90.7 FMWFUVAdult AlternativeNew York, NY
90.9 FMWHYYNews/TalkPhiladelphia, PA
91.1 FMWFMUVarietyEast Orange, NJ
91.1 FMWWNJClassicalToms River Township, NJ
91.3 FMWLVRVarietyBethlehem, PA
91.3 FMWTSRVarietyTrenton, NJ
91.5 FMWNYEAlternativeNew York, NY
91.7 FMWBMRReligiousTelford, PA
91.7 FMWLBSNostalgiaBristol, PA
91.7 FMWLNJReligiousLakehurst, NJ
91.7 FMWMUHVarietyAllentown, PA
91.9 FMWXPJPublic RadioHackettstown, NJ
92.3 FMWINSNewsNew York, NY
92.5 FMWXTUCountryPhiladelphia, PA
92.7 FMWOBMAdult ContemporaryToms River, NJ
92.7 FMWFMEReligiousGarden City, NY
93.1 FMWPATLatin RhythmicPaterson, NJ
93.5 FMWSBGAdult ContemporaryStroudsburg, PA
93.5 FMWVIPEthnicNew Rochelle, NY
93.9 FMWNYCNews/TalkNew York, NY
94.1 FMWIPSportsPhiladelphia, PA
94.3 FMWJLKHot ACAsbury Park, NJ
94.5 FMWPSTHot ACTrenton, NJ
94.7 FMWXBKClassic Hip HopNewark, NJ
95.1 FMWZZORockBethlehem, PA
95.5 FMWPLJChristian ContemporaryNew York, NY
95.7 FMWBENVariety HitsPhiladelphia, PA
95.9 FMWRATRockPoint Pleasant, NJ
96.1 FMWCTOCountryEaston, PA
96.3 FMWXNYSpanish TropicalNew York, NY
96.5 FMWTDYTop 40/CHRPhiladelphia, PA
96.7 FMWARWChristian ContemporaryPort Chester, NY
96.7 FMWVPOCountryLehman Township, PA
97.1 FMWQHTUrbanNew York, NY
97.5 FMWPENSportsBurlington, NJ
97.9 FMWSKQTropicalNew York, NY
98.1 FMWOGLClassic HitsPhiladelphia, PA
98.3 FMWKJYAdult ContemporaryHempstead, NY
98.3 FMWMGQAdult ContemporaryNew Brunswick, NJ
98.7 FMWEPNSpanish HitsNew York, NY
98.9 FMWUSLUrbanPhiladelphia, PA
99.1 FMWAWZChristian ContemporaryZarephath, NJ
99.5 FMWBAIVariety/TalkNew York, NY
99.9 FMWODEClassic HitsEaston, PA
100.3 FMWHTZTop 40/CHRNewark, NJ
100.3 FMWRNBUrbanMedia, PA
100.7 FMWLEVAdult ContemporaryAllentown, PA
101.1 FMWBEBAdult ContemporaryPhiladelphia, PA
101.1 FMWCBSClassic HitsNew York, NY
101.5 FMWKXWNews/TalkTrenton, NJ
101.9 FMWFANSportsNew York, NY
102.1 FMWIOQTop 40/CHRPhiladelphia, PA
102.3 FMWSUSAdult ContemporaryFranklin, NJ
102.7 FMWNEWHot ACNew York, NY
102.9 FMWMGKClassic RockPhiladelphia, PA
103.3 FMWPRBVarietyPrinceton, NJ
103.5 FMWKTURhythmic ACLake Success, NY
103.7 FMWNNJClassic RockNewton, NJ
103.9 FMWCNMEthnicHazlet, NJ
103.9 FMWVBNReligiousBronxville, NY
103.9 FMWPHIChristian ContemporaryJenkintown, PA
104.3 FMWAXQClassic RockNew York, NY
104.5 FMWRFFAlternativePhiladelphia, PA
104.9 FMWJRHVarietyEaston, PA
105.1 FMWWPRUrbanNew York, NY
105.3 FMWDASUrban Adult ContemporaryPhiladelphia, PA
105.5 FMWDHARockDover, NJ
105.9 FMWQXRClassicalNewark, NJ
106.1 FMWUMRAdult ContemporaryPhiladelphia, PA
106.3 FMWHCYCountryBlairstown, NJ
106.3 FMWKMKCountryEatontown, NJ
106.7 FMWLTWSoft Adult ContemporaryNew York, NY
107.1 FMWWYYRockBelvidere, NJ
107.1 FMWWZYAdult ContemporaryLong Branch, NJ
107.1 FMWXPKAdult AlternativeBriarcliff Manor, NY
107.5 FMWBLSUrban Adult ContemporaryNew York, NY
107.7 FMWRRCVarietyLawrenceville, NJ
107.9 FMWWPHVarietyPrinceton Junction, NJ
107.9 FMWOLD-LPWoodbridge, NJ

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
560 AMWFILReligiousPhiladelphia, PA
570 AMWMCAReligiousNew York, NY
610 AMWTELNews/TalkPhiladelphia, PA
620 AMWSNREthnicJersey City, NJ
640 AMWWJZReligiousMount Holly, NJ
660 AMWFANSportsNew York, NY
690 AMWPHESpanishPhoenixville, PA
710 AMWORNews/TalkNew York, NY
740 AMWNYHEthnicHuntington, NY
770 AMWABCNews/TalkNew York, NY
790 AMWAEBNews/TalkAllentown, PA
800 AMWTMRReligiousCamden, NJ
820 AMWNYCNews/TalkNew York, NY
840 AMWPCOOldiesStroudsburg, PA
860 AMWWDBTalkPhiladelphia, PA
880 AMWHSQSportsNew York, NY
900 AMWURDTalkPhiladelphia, PA
910 AMWRKLEthnicNew City, NY
920 AMWNJEClassic RockTrenton, NJ
930 AMWPATEthnicPaterson, NJ
950 AMWKDNReligiousPhiladelphia, PA
970 AMWNYMNews/TalkHackensack, NJ
990 AMWNTPTalkPhiladelphia, PA
1010 AMWINSNewsNew York, NY
1040 AMWCHRSportsFlemington, NJ
1050 AMWEPNSportsNew York, NY
1060 AMKYWNews/TalkPhiladelphia, PA
1070 AMWKMBGospelStirling, NJ
1100 AMWHLIAdult StandardsHempstead, NY
1100 AMWGPATalkBethlehem, PA
1110 AMWTBQOldiesWarwick, NY
1130 AMWBBRBusiness NewsNew York, NY
1160 AMWJLKOldiesLakewood Township, NJ
1160 AMWVNJReligiousOakland, NJ
1170 AMWWTREthnicBridgewater, NJ
1170 AMWWLERegional MexicanCornwall, NY
1180 AMWFYLTalkKing Of Prussia, PA
1190 AMWLIBGospelNew York, NY
1210 AMWPHTNews/TalkPhiladelphia, PA
1230 AMWEEXSportsEaston, PA
1230 AMWFASNews/TalkWhite Plains, NY
1240 AMWGBBVarietyFreeport, NY
1250 AMWMTROldiesMorristown, NJ
1260 AMWFJSReligiousTrenton, NJ
1280 AMWADOSpanish SportsNew York, NY
1300 AMWIMGUrbanEwing, NJ
1310 AMWEMGTropicalCamden, NJ
1310 AMWRVPSpanishMount Kisco, NY
1310 AMWOBMSportsAsbury Park, NJ
1310 AMWXMCSpanishParsippany-troy Hill, NJ
1320 AMWTKZSportsAllentown, PA
1330 AMWWRVReligiousNew York, NY
1340 AMWALLOldiesMiddletown, NY
1340 AMWHATSpanishPhiladelphia, PA
1350 AMWHWHBusiness NewsPrinceton, NJ
1360 AMWNJCVarietyWashington Township, NJ
1360 AMWTOCSpanish ReligiousNewton, NJ
1370 AMWPAZVarietyPottstown, PA
1380 AMWKDMEthnicNew York, NY
1400 AMWSTCNews/TalkStamford, CT
1400 AMWESTSpanish TropicalEaston, PA
1410 AMWHTGOldiesEatontown, NJ
1420 AMWLNANostalgiaPeekskill, NY
1430 AMWNSWReligiousNewark, NJ
1440 AMWLIMSpanish ReligiousMedford, NY
1440 AMWNPVTalkLansdale, PA
1450 AMWYNYAdult ContemporaryMilford, PA
1450 AMWCTCTalkNew Brunswick, NJ
1460 AMWVOXNostalgiaNew Rochelle, NY
1460 AMWIFIHip HopFlorence, NJ
1470 AMWSANTalkAllentown, PA
1480 AMWZRCEthnicNew York, NY
1480 AMWDASSportsPhiladelphia, PA
1490 AMWBCBVarietyLevittown, PA
1490 AMWDLCOldiesPort Jervis, NY
1490 AMWGCHTalkGreenwich, CT
1500 AMWGHTOldiesPompton Lakes, NJ
1510 AMWRNJOldiesHackettstown, NJ
1520 AMWJDMGospelMineola, NY
1540 AMWNWREthnicPhiladelphia, PA
1560 AMWFMEReligiousNew York, NY
1570 AMWISPReligiousDoylestown, PA
1600 AMWWRLEthnicNew York, NY
1600 AMWHOLSpanish TropicalAllentown, PA
1660 AMWWRUSpanishJersey City, NJ
1680 AMWTTMEthnicLindenwold, NJ
1700 AMWRCRRamapo, NY